Africa / Egypt / Snorkeling

Snorkeling in Sharm El-Sheikh – Egypt

surgeon fish - red sea

The Red Sea is one of the best snorkeling destinations in the world. Sharm El-Sheikh
is the most accessible and popular snorkeling destination in Egypt. If you are a beginner Sharm el Sheikh is the best place where you can start snorkeling. There are also more advanced spots with strong current but rich sealife.

My snorkeling experience:

My first visit in Sharm El-Sheikh was 4 years ago and that was the moment when I discovered snorkeling. My first snorkeling attempt was at the house reef and I had some mixed feelings (it was both exciting and scary). I was feeling anxious to float over the deep water and to get used to snorkel breathing. In the same time i was thrilled to discover the underwater wonders.

After a couple of sessions I got comfortable and I really enjoyed the stunning underwater world.  Although the house reef is rich in marine life and you can spot a lot of beautiful corals, colourful fishes, stingrays and occasional turtles, a day trip to the best snorkel spots is a must for exploring more of the Red Sea offering.

Sharm El-Sheikh is famous for shore snorkeling and hose reefs. Almost everybody can snorkel without the need for long boat trips.


Snorkeling sites in Sharm El-Sheikh:

Gordon Reef is southern of the Straits of Tiran and is easily recognisable by the wreak of Lovilla. The best area for snorkeling is the south part of the reef where the water is shallow, the current is low and the visibility is exceptional. The underwater world is amazing with well preserved corals and large amount of fishes like surgeonfish, butterflyfish, parrotfish, anemonefish.

Jackson Reef is the northeast spot of Straits of Tiran. The current can be strong but brings a lot of nutrients for corals and fishes so they are rich and diverse. At Jackson reef you can see a beautiful coral wall, with hard and soft corals and schooling reef fishes. The visibility is so good that you can spot barracudas and other predators in the the open water.

Ras Um Sid is my favourite snorkeling spot in Sharm el Sheikh.  You can reach the reef from the shore, from El Fanar Beach. For 10 dollars, you can enjoy the beach, bar, restaurant and of course the reef. There is a wooden jetty for easy entry for those uncomfortable with a floating dock. You will explore the east side of reef edge where you can spot giant clams, butterflyfish, angelfish, triggerfish and Red Sea clownfish. The area has a bay like aspect with very low current making the spot accessible even when the open sea is rough. The visibility is excellent, the marine life rich and diverse so it can be overwhelming making you lose track of time.

Check Red Sea snorkeling experience video:

When to visit:

You can visit Red Sea all year around. During summer months (June, July and August) the water temperature reaches 27°C / 80°F perfect for snorkeling but the air temperatures can be uncomfortable and there is a high risk for sunburns. During the winter months the water temperature decreases and can be chill for snorkeling. A full wetsuit increase the comfort and the snorkeling time.

What you`ll see:

Red Sea Clownfish, Surgeonfish, Picasso Triggerfish, Orange-lined Triggerfish, Masked Puffer, Emperor Angelfish, Masked Butterflyfish, Parrotfish, Crocodilefish, Blue-spotted Stingray, Giant Moray.


Read more about Sharm El-Sheikh here.

Teodora About Author

Passionate snorkeler traveling around the world to find the best snorkeling destinations.

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